146次西湖论坛会议之“系统神经科学与技术(FINT 2016)”
The 146th West Lake Symposium Frontiers in interdisciplinary Neuroscience
and Technology
09月24-25日,第146次西湖学术论坛会议暨第二届“系统神经科学与技术——国际听觉科学研讨会”(The 146th West Lake Symposium Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience and Technology)在浙江大学召开。本次会议由浙江大学主办,浙江大学求是高等研究院系统神经与认知科学研究所、浙江大学脑影像中心共同承办,格罗贝尔生物科技有限公司协办等承办;会议邀请到来自美国、法国、日本、香港等国际知名高校系统神经领域专家、学者共25名,同时吸引到了国内外各大高校老师同学约150名参会人员。
浙江大学系统神经与认知科学研究所,所长Anna Wang Roe教授与浙江大学听觉科学研究领域专家余雄杰教授担任本次大会主席,并致欢迎词,对各位专家、学者的远道而来表示欢迎;同时邀请到中国神经科学协会副主席何士刚教授,何教授表示,系统神经领域,目前正处在发展的新阶段,尤其是其与互联网相结合的智能化领域,有着广泛的研究与发展的空间。
On September 24-25, 2016 in the
beautiful paradise city -- Hangzhou, the 146th West Lake Symposium -- Frontiers
in interdisciplinary Neuroscience and Technology: System Neural Auditory Science and Technology -- was held in Zhejiang University. The conference was hosted by Zhejiang
University and organized by Zhejiang University Qiushi Academy of
Advanced Study (QAAS), Zhejiang
University Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology (ZIINT) and the
Sci-Tech Academy of Zhejiang University
with the sponsor by Global Biotech Inc. This symposium invited 25 worldwide well-known neuroscientists
from the United States, France,
Japan, and Hong Kong to present their work introducing new findings and techniques
in auditory neuroscience, which attracted about 150 researchers in neuroscience from the universities and
institutes all over the world.
Professor Anna Wang Roe, the director of Zhejiang University Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology,
and professor Xiongjie Yu, an excellent auditory neuroscientist in ZIINT,
co-chaired the symposium. Professor Shigang He, vice president of the Chinese
Neuroscience Society, and professor Anna Wang gave the opening speeches.
Professor He pointed out that systematic neuroscience is a fast-growing field at early-developing stage
with huge potential in many aspects such as artificial intelligence and brain
circuit mapping.
Brain science is currently one of the major
hot spots in scientific research all around
the world. During the past years, Zhejiang University has been closely
following the frontier brain
science and has made great progress in this field. The goal of this symposium is to highlight exciting topics in auditory neuroscience
and to share in-depth discussions about the future of the fields. Two
keynote speakers, professor Jufang He from City University of Hong Kong and
professor Xiaoqin Wang from John Hopkins University shared their recent work in
studying neural basis for memory encoding and social communication. New
findings and cutting-edge techniques were also
introduced by other speakers, including neurophysiology, psychophysics, neuroimaging, modeling, neuroanatomy, optogenetics, and neuroengineering. These theoretical and experimental proceedings
in auditory neuroscience will significantly improve our understanding of the
neural mechanisms of many auditory-related diseases such as language processing
disorders and social disorders, which therefore may contribute finding new
targets in clinical treatment. This symposium has been an important academic feast for
worldwide scientists to explore the latest development of auditory neuroscience through
establishing a platform for experts in related
fields to share their achievements. Moreover, this symposium will provide
more opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations even across countries in
the future.