Students in our lab attended the 2019 Neural engineering Conference and visited the Harvard Neural Systems Group Lab, Gordon Center Lab.

The International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER) was held in San Francisco, USA on March 20-24, 2019. The theme of this conference is "Neurotechnologies for medical therapies and beyond". The conference brings multidisciplinary disciplines in neuroscience, engineering, and bioethics together. It highlights new neural techniques for restoring and enhancing impaired sensory, motor, and cognitive functions, new engineering tools that illuminate brain function, and discussion about ethical issues with healthy individuals using neurotechnology. The meeting invited Dr. Krishna Shenoy of Stanford University, Dr. Stehanie Lacour of the Lausanne Institute of Technology, Dr. John Krakauer of Johns Hopkins University, and others to introduce the latest neural interface technologies, the current development of brain-computer interface technology in the field of motion control and the future development direction, the latest development of new generation of electrodes, the combination of neurodegenerative disease rehabilitation and brain-computer interface, and other important issues in the field of neuroscience. The conference presented more than 400 posters, covering the latest developments in neuromodulation, brain-computer interface, and biomaterials.

Source: Justin Sanchez’s  report in NER19

Source:Dr. Stehanie Lacour’s report in NER19

Source:Dr. Ramos Murguialday Ander’s report in NER19

  Source: Our students and their posters in NER19

Then they visited the laboratory of Harvard University’s Neural Systems Group. Prof. Quan Zhang introduced the main work areas of his laboratory and the latest developments, non-invasive physiological signal acquisition through near-infrared imaging technology.

Source: Visit the Neural Systems Group Lab

Source: Academic exchange

Source: Our students and Quan’s lab staff

Later, they were invited to visit the Gordon Center Li Quanzheng’s Lab and conduct academic exchanges.

Source: Gordon Center Lab Interior Decoration

Source: Our students and Prof. Quanzheng Li

Copyright 2017 Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies, Zhejiang University

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